About Ingeborg

For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated by all kinds of painting.

I was most impressed by the works of the Renaissance Masters. My greatest wish was to learn the skills needed to express my ideas through this masterfully transparent technique of oil painting.

Later I discovered the infinite possibilities offered by a less formal experimental painting style. The actual painting process is often a real battle with the medium to find the desired expression but when I succeed it is a most glorious feeling. I paint with oil and watercolours and create Etchings as well.
The art of painting is comprised of two parts. On the one hand there is the idea and on the other hand there are the skills needed to translate the idea into a painted image. Thoughts and impressions form the basis of a painting.
Ideas for paintings can be very powerful and have enough energy to compel the artist to express these ideas in a visible form. It can be a major challenge to take a paintbrush and proceed to transform canvas and tubes of paint into a work of art.


Born in Munich (Germany), grew up in Kaufbeuren, after college trained as a bank clerk, moved to Weinheim/Bergstrasse, trained as wood sculptor between 1966-1968.
I studied sculpture and graphic design at the Art School in Mannheim (Germany).
I Worked as a commercial artist until 1974.
Now I work as an independent artist and lecturer at Adult Education.

In 2000 I moved to Tasmania. 2005 till 2020 I lived and worked in Sydney. 2021 I moved back to Germany.

I also work as a book illustrator for children books and as a cartoonist.

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