My Books

Finally I finished my books "Facination Drawing - The dot makes the start".
It's also available in German "Faszination Zeichnen".
And another book in German "Die lebendige Linie". It's about easy drawing developed from writing. And finally also in German (not art related) "Geschichten durch das Alphabet".

Title Title Title Title

Fascinating Drawing is an excellent learning book about drawing.
It doesen't matter if you are a beginner or if you are an already advanced artist
the book will give you guidance how easy it is to learn to draw.
In step by step lessons you dive in the world of fascinating drawing.

You can order or preview the books:
The English version in print or as e-book via Amazon Fascination Drawing
The German version in print or as e-book via BoD Faszination Zeichnen
The German version in print or as e-book via BoD Die lebendige Linie
The German version in print or as e-book via BoD Geschichten durch das Alphabet

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